
Rednet mending

The dead forest in the mist

In the loving hands

Dani warriors


The saltfield at dawn

Fighting horses

Fishing on the mist

Seagulls 3

Seagulls 2

Seagulls 1

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 7

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 6

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 5

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 4

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 3

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 2

Tuyen Lam lake in the mist 1

Horses fighting

Fishing net on the misty lake 2

Fishing net on the misty lake

VN motorbikes 07

VN motorbikes 06

VN motorbikes 05

VN motorbikes 04

VN motorbikes 03

VN motorbikes 02

VN motorbikes 01

Hoi An 2016